Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

  1. Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs Near Me
  2. Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs Free

User Friendly Program This is the most important thing in order to make the program achieving the objective. Here is one example: Locate 5,1,I:”JRK=”:”BRG=”DMS It will then output Bearing and distance answer simultaneously without need to prees EXE twice. This will really help save time at site. In CASIO BASIC today function such as LOCATE, GETKEY will make the program more user friendly interface. Land Surveyor in Malaysia Malaysia has a regulation that need title survey to be approve by either a Director of Survey or Licensed Land Surveyor.

Whilst other survey not required the approval but sometime may need approval by related body such engineer. This scenario make split the Land Surveyor in Malaysia into ‘LS works’ or ‘construction works’. Some of them have the ability only in either one but a lot of surveyor also able to do both. Title Survey is just become complicated in tooooo much procedure introduced may b by the regulation itself than expand from day to dayby the need from the civilian to make sure everything is clear and will be no argument for the boundary after Certified Plan has been issued. The procedure is that something make it look boring for me and that why I choose construction. Both title and construction world occupy by ‘Free Lans’, License Land Surveyor, Consultant, the construction company itself and also by the government (Title-Jupem, JKR-also have their own surveyor technician).

Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs Near Me

Need for speed carbon wii iso torrent ntsc. How casio influencing the surveyor? Is there is no other programmable calculator to be used.?

Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

Is the Calculator is really the need in todays surveyor.? I think a calculator in todays surveyor is just for + – only. Built-in program in total station and data logger in windows mobile plattform.yes they are replacing the job of programmable calculator. Casio is a machine Casio is a machine may b used by million of people in the world. Land Surveyor is a part of them used this machine for office and site used. FX603P model is known by most of the surveyor in the world.

Unfortunately this model which was introduced in 1994 now is not in production anymore. People sometime sell the 2nd hand unit up to RM1000. I am not sure for what people want to buy it for that price.

Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs Free

If they are going to buy for a collection, then its good because they can show to future people about how nice this machine. But actually most of the people outside there, I mean the land surveyor, they ar buying this model because they cannot change.

For them only that calculator give them the shortest way to do work. People takes time to change.but for them who still wan to stay.until when they can stay?? People now start to move to windows mobilebut sometimes this colourful touchscreen might be a pain for them who working under the sun radiation, but for me its not bad.

The HP48GX which has RAM card for survey that can be use as data collector now also difficult to get in our country. Here I am inviting people to develop something on this new ultimate machine FX9860G.It may be possible if someone who really want to make this as data logger as a lowcost model. I think I develop well in casio basic.but still can make improvement to provide 3D calculationhere I was upload a PDF file for my program collection. Casio 7400G/9860G Land Surveying Program was Uploaded to casiokingdom Useful formula For Surveyor Bearing Distance (latit/(abs(latit)). arc cos(dipat/(sqrt(latit^2+dipat^2))) this will return. Same as polar function in casio calculator or atan2 function in excel sheet Bearing – Bearing Intersection y = mx+ c m = gradient c = y axes intersection.

This is a collection of programs I wrote on the Casio fx-5800p. These programs should also work on any Casio Graphing calculator (fx-9860g, fx-9750g, Prizm) since the programming language between Casio calculators remains largely the same. Now if I can find my fx-5800p that I misplaced last night. Thank goodness for notes!

Notes for the fx-5800p programs: There are no SIGN or MOD functions. Here are the work arounds I used (see SUN): SIGN(x). X 0 ⇒ 1 → X -X 0 ⇒ -1 → X. N - D Intg( N ÷ D ) → result variable. Table of Contents: 1.

Rotation of (x, y) (ROTATEXY) 2. Law of Cosines (COSINES) 3. Pendulum: Period and Average Velocity (PENDULUM) 4. Arc Length of a Parabola (QUADLENGTH) 5.

Position of the Sun (SUN) 1. Fx-5800p: ROTATEXY Rotates the coordinate (X, Y). The direction of rotation follows the conventional direction (counterclockwise). The variable A represents the angle (θ). Program: 'X'?

→ A X, Y × cos(A), sin(A) -sin(A), cos(A) 2. Fx-5800p: COSINES Sides: D, E, F Corresponding Angles: A, B, C Program: Lbl 0 Cls 'KNOWN:' '1. A,E,F'?→I I = 1 ⇒ Goto 1 I = 2 ⇒ Goto 2 Goto 0 Lbl 1 'D'? → F 'A': cos ⁻¹ (( E ² + F ² - D ² ) ÷ ( 2EF )) → A ◢ 'B': cos ⁻¹ (( D ² + F ² - E ² ) ÷ ( 2DF )) → B ◢ 'C': 180° - A - B Stop Lbl 2 'A'? → F: 'D': √ (E ² + F ² - 2 E F cos A ) → D ◢ 'B': cos ⁻¹ ( ( D ² + F ² - E ² ) ÷ (2DF)) → B ◢ 'C': 180° - A - B 3. Fx-5800p: PENDULUM Variables: D = length of the step or bar holding the pendulum L = length of the rod or string that is swinging R = large radius of the circular ring At the units, enter 0 for US units (set g = 32.174 ft/s^2), anything else for SI units (g = 9.80665 m/s^2). Calculated: T = period of the pendulum (the amount of time it takes for the pendulum from one end to the other) V = average velocity of the pendulum (once in its in full swing) Program: Cls '=0 U.S.'

→ G If G = 0 Then 32.174 → G Else g → G IfEnd // g from the constant menu (9.80665) Lbl 0 Cls '1. RING'?→ I I = 1 ⇒ Goto 1 I = 2 ⇒ Goto 2 I = 3 ⇒ Goto 3 Goto 0 Lbl 1 'D'?


→ L 2 π √( L ÷ 3G ) → T: Goto 4 Lbl 2 'D'? → L 2 π √(L ÷ G) → T: Goto 4 Lbl 3 'D'? → R 2 π √( R ² ÷ GL → T: Goto 4 Lbl 4 'T =': T ◢ 'V =': D ÷ T → V - Test Examples: Rod: D = 1 m, L = 1.6 m. Results: T = 6 sec, V =. M/s String: D = 2 m, L = 1.75 m. Results: T = 2.65423008 sec, V =.5 m/s Circular Ring: D = 2 ft, L = 2 ft, r = 1.2 ft Results: T = 1.879851674 sec, V = 1.063913727 m/s 4. Fx-5800p: QUADLENGTH Find the length of a parabola given height and width and a corresponding equation: f(x) = Ax^2 + Bx Where A = -4h/l^2 B = 4h/l Program: Cls 'LENGTH'?

→ L 'HEIGHT'? → H Cls 'COEF OF X ²' -4 H ÷ L ² ◢ 'COEF OF X' 4 H ÷ L ◢ 'ARC LENGTH' ∫ ( √ ( 1 + ( -8 H X ÷ L ² + 4 H ÷ L ) ), 0, L) Test Data: L: 16.4, H: 8.2 X^2 coefficient:. X coefficient: 2 5. Fx-5800P: SUN Source for the formulas: Gives the RA (right ascension) and δ (declination) of the sun at any date. U is the universal time, the time it would be at Greenwich Village (Int'l Date Line). For the Pacific Time Zone: Standard Time: PST + 8 hours = UT Daylight Savings Time: PDT + 7 hours = UT Program: 'MONTH'?

→ U Deg 100 Y + M - 190002.5 → X X 0 ⇒ 1 → X -X 0 ⇒ -1 → X 367 Y - Intg( 7 ( Y + Intg( ( M + 9 ) ÷ 12 ) ) ÷ 4 ) + Intg( 275 M ÷ 9 ) + D + 1721013.5 + U ÷ 24 -.5 X +.5 → D D - 2451545 → D 357.529 +.98560028 D → G G - 360 Intg( G ÷ 360 ) → G 280.459 +.98564736 D → Q Q - 360 Intg( Q ÷ 360 ) → Q Q + 1.915 sin( G ) +.02 sin( 2G ) → L L - 360 Intg( L ÷ 360 ) → L 1.00014 -.01671 cos( G ) -.00014 cos( 2 G ) → R 23.439 -.00000036 D → E tan ⁻¹ (cos(E) tan(L)) → A If L ≥ 90 And L.