English Result Elementary Basico 1 Pdf
A poster at the in, United States, showing the Millennium Development Goals The was to achieve by the year 2015, by which time their aim was to ensure that all children everywhere, regardless of race or gender, will be able to complete primary schooling. Due to the fact that the United Nations specifically focused on and, as they are both home to the vast majority of children out of school, they hypothesized that they might not have been able to reach their goal by 2015.
According to the September 2010 fact sheet, this was because there were still about 69 million school-age children who were not in school with almost half of the demographic in sub-Saharan Africa and more than a quarter in Southern Asia. In order to achieve the goal by 2015, the United Nations estimated that all children at the official entry age for primary school would have had to have been attending classes by 2009. This would depend upon the duration of the primary level, as well as how well the schools retain students until the end of the cycle. Not only was it important for children to be enrolled in education, but countries will also have needed to ensure that there are a sufficient number of teachers and classrooms to meet the demand of pupils. As of 2010, the number of new teachers needed in sub-Saharan Africa alone, equaled the current teaching force in the region. However, the gender gap for children not in education had also been narrowed.
Between 1999 and 2008, the number of girls not in education worldwide had decreased from 57 percent to 53 percent, however it should also be noted that in some regions, the percentage had increased. According to the, there are many things in the regions that have already been accomplished. Although enrollment in the sub-Saharan area of Africa continues to be the lowest region worldwide, by 2010 'it still increased by 18 percentage points—from 58 percent to 76 percent—between 1999 and 2008.' There was also progress in both Southern Asia and North Africa, where both areas saw an increase in enrollment, For example, In Southern Asia, this had increased by 11 percent and in North Africa by 8 percent- over the last decade. Major advances had been made even in the poorest of countries like the abolition of primary school fees in where there was an increase in primary-school enrollment which reached 99 percent as of 2008. Also, experienced a similar outcome.
The country doubled its enrollment ratio over the same period. Moreover, other regions in Latin America such as and, and in Southern Africa 'broke through the 90 percent towards greater access to primary education.' Australia.
Main article: In Australia, students undertake preschool then 13 years of schooling before moving to vocational or higher education. Primary schooling for most children starts after they turn 5 years old. In most states, children can be enrolled earlier at the discretion of individual school principals on the basis of.
In Victoria, New South Wales, Northern Territory, ACT and Tasmania students then move through Kindergarten/Preparatory School/Reception and Years 1 to 6 before starting high school. In Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia students do Year 7 while still enrolled at primary school, although most governmental primary schools are moving to a K to 6 structure to line up with the other states in order to ensure that Year 7 students are able to undertake laboratory practical components of the national syllabus. Pre-School/Kindergarten: 4 to 5 years old. Prep./Reception/Kindergarten: 5 to 6 years old.
Grade/Year 1: 6 to 7 years old. Grade/Year 2: 7 to 8 years old.
Grade/Year 3: 8 to 9 years old. Grade/Year 4: 9 to 10 years old.
Grade/Year 5: 10 to 11 years old. Grade/Year 6: 11 to 12 years old. Grade/Year 7: 12 to 13 years old (SA) Brazil. Main article: In Canada, primary school (also referred to as elementary school) usually begins at ages three or four, starting with either Kindergarten or Grade 1 and lasts until age 13 or 14. Many places in Canada have a split between primary and elementary schools. In Nova Scotia 'elementary school' is the most common term. The provincial government of Nova Scotia uses the term 'Primary' instead of Kindergarten.
Main article: Depending on the, primary schools provide education from Class 1 to Class 4 or from Class 1 to Class 6. After primary school students may attend a, or a, which are more vocationally orientated, a, which is more academically oriented, or a, which is comparable to a. The first school for German children is called Grundschule. It takes usually four years, the pupils are between six and ten years old. The education consists of learning to read, write, basic math and general knowledge. In some schools, a first foreign language is introduced, usually English. In the final year of primary school, children receive a recommendation as to which further school they can attend.
Kindergarten: 3–6 years. Grade 1: 6–7 years. Grade 2: 7–8 years. Grade 3: 8–9 years. Grade 4: 9–10 years. Grade 5: 10–11 years ( and only). Grade 6: 11–12 years (Berlin and Brandenburg only) Depending on the recommendation they received from their teacher, children proceed to their mandatory secondary education in either Hauptschule (Grades 5-9, sometimes 10th grade is added which is then called 'Werkrealschule'), Realschule (Grades 5-10), or Gymnasium (Grades 5-12).
Upon the successful completion of Grades 11 and 12 in the Gymnasium, students receive the Abitur, a diploma with the permission to enter post-secondary education (similar to the A-level or High School Diploma). The Abitur will not be received at the end of Haupt- and Realschule, but graduating students are eligible to enter the 10th Grade of the Gymnasium if they wish to obtain the Abitur. Hong Kong.
Main article: In India, elementary schools provide education from Class 1 to Class 8. The children in these classes are generally aged between 6 and 15 years. It is the next stage after kindergarten (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Prep or Lower Kindergarten and Upper Kindergarten).
The next stage after primary education is Middle School (Class 7th to 10th). In most schools in North India, children in Classes 1st to 3rd are taught English, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. In class 4th and 5th the environmental science subject is replaced by General Science and Social Studies. However some schools may introduce this concept in Class 3 itself. Some schools may also introduce a third language in Class 5th or even in Class 4th. And local state language are the most common third languages taught in Indian schools. At some places, primary education is labeled as the education of Class 3rd to Class 5th and up to class 2nd as pre-primary education.
This is because many new concepts are introduced in this class. Children are taught painting instead of drawing and colouring, exams are taken, and in maths are introduced along with geometry.
The (NCERT) is the apex body for school education in India. The NCERT provides support and technical assistance to a number of schools in India and oversees many aspects of enforcement of education policies. In India, the various bodies governing school education system are:.
The state government boards, in which the majority of Indian children are enrolled. International schools affiliated to the Programme or the. Islamic schools, whose boards are controlled by local state governments, or autonomous, or affiliated with. Autonomous schools like Woodstock School, and.
Primary/secondary education in India is segregated as Primary (1st standard to 4th standard), Upper Primary (5th standard to 7th standard), Lower Secondary (8th standard to 10th standard), and Higher Secondary (11th and 12th standard). Kindergarten: nursery - 3 years, Lower Kindergarten (LKG) - 4 years, Upper Kindergarten (UKG) - 5 years. These are not mandatory as per government rules but are recommended before joining 1st standard.
1st Standard: 6 years. 2nd Standard: 7 years. 3rd Standard: 8 years. 4th Standard: 9 years. 5th Standard: 10 years.
6th Standard: 11 years. 7th Standard: 12 years. 8th Standard: 13 years. 9th Standard: 14 years. 10th Standard: 15 years. 11th Standard: 16 years. 12th Standard: 17 years Iran.
Main article: Kindergartens nursery schools are private institutions and attendance is not mandatory. Main article: Children in the Netherlands must be at least four years old to enter primary education.
Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the Netherlands indeed attend primary school, although this is not compulsory until children reach the age of 5. Primary school is free of charge.
In most schools, children are grouped by age in mixed ability classes, with one teacher for all subjects. Primary school consists of 8 groups (thus 8 years of schooling). During the first two years (both kindergarten), children receive an average of 22 hours of education, during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours per week. Schools are open 5 days a week, but all children have a half day on Wednesdays (ending at noon). At the end of primary school, in group 8, schools advise on secondary school choice.
English Result Elementary Basico 1 Pdf Download
Most schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the 'Citotoets', a test developed by the Central Institute for Test development. group 1: age 4-5 (kindergarten). group 2: age 5-6 (kindergarten). group 3: age 6-7 (school curriculum starts with writing, reading, etc.).
group 4: age 7-8. group 5: age 8-9. group 6: age 9-10. group 7: age 10-11. group 8: age 11-12 (last school year with advice on secondary school choice) Pakistan In Pakistan, children aged between 3–6 years begin attending Pre School which is not mandatory but recommended by the government and private education sectors. The Pre School is associated with the Early Years of Education (EYE) programme which is basically consists of initial three years of education starting from Play or Pre Nursery Class students age 3+ and Nursery Class Students age 4+ and Prep Class Students age 5+. The most private school have varied classes names for Pre School Classes I-e, Nursery, Kindergarten-1 and Kindergarten-2.
Whereas, some other private schools names pre school classes like Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep. Primary Education is free and mandatory by the Government of Pakistan in the Provincial Government and Federal Government Public Schools. The government obliged parents to enrolled their children in the schools. The student age should be 5 to 6 years when admitted in class 1. Besides Government Schools there are many Private Schools who provide Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary education at a higher cost.
The Primary education in Pakistan is 5 years of education program starting from Class 1 to 5. The elementary school is called middle school in which classes 6 to 8 are taught.The high school is two years of education called Matric which consists of classes 9th and 10th. The students after passing the 10th year of education from Board of Secondary Education examination (BSEE) OR Secondary School Certificate (SSC) often called out matriculate. The 11th and 12th years of education classes mostly held in Higher Secondary Schools or at Colleges situated in the jurisdiction of the Board Of Intermediate Education (BIE). The classes called 1st Year and 2nd Year of Intermediate level at colleges. After that students are allowed to go to Universities for their bachelor's degree in respective subjects.
Class Age Play Group 3-4 Nursery 4-5 Reception or Prep 5-6 Class 1 6-7 Class 2 7-8 Class 3 8-9 Class 4 9-10 Class 5 10-11 Philippines. Main article: In the Philippines, the Department of Education mandates that elementary school lasts for 7 years in the public school system starting with Kindergarten and grade 1 and culminating with grade 6. After successful completion of the 7-year programme shall a student graduate, be awarded an elementary diploma and can move-on to a 4-year junior high school programme (most private schools will require an entrance examination). However most private schools (which usually call the elementary level as 'grade school'), especially exclusive schools and those accredited to have a high degree of autonomy from the Department of Education usually extend their programmes to 7th grade and can also include levels such as nursery, kindergarten or preparatory (prep) as entry levels prior to 1st grade. Subjects usually taken up include Communication Arts in Mother Tongue (until Grade 3), English (some private schools break this down into Language and Reading) and Filipino, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies (taught in Mother Tongue from Grade 1-Grade 3, Filipino in Grades 4-6), Music, Art, Physical Education and Health (collectively known as MAPEH), Values Education and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). Students in the 6th grade, whether studying in a public or private school are required to undergo a National (Elementary) Achievement Test (NAT) even if grade 6 isn't the terminal level in that school.
The NAT is similar to certain schemes like Primary School Leaving Examination of Singapore (PSLE) except that that NAT score isn't used as a basis to admit students to a high school. Kindergarten, Grade 1 to Grade 6 are affected with the K-12 education. Main article: Primary school:. 0th - 5–6 years old. 1st - 6–7 years old.
2nd - 7–8 years old. 3rd - 8–9 years old. 4th - 9–10 years old. 5th - 10–11 years old.
6th - 11–12 years old Middle school:. 1st 12–13 years old.
2nd 13–14 years old. 3rd 14–15 years old Secondary school:. 1st 15–16 years old (, and ). 2nd 16–17 years old (, and ).
3rd 17–18 years old (, and ). 4th 18–19 years old (only in ) Higher education: 18 and over Children may end their schooling after passing secondary school if desired. Portugal. Main article: The medium of instruction is English. After completing kindergarten, or pre-school years, children will then have to go through 6 years of compulsory primary education, from ages 7 to 12.
At the end of primary education, students are required to take a standardised national exam, the Primary School Leaving Examination (also known as PSLE). Based on PSLE results, students apply and are sorted into secondary schools for a 4 or 5-year course. Primary education in, normally starting at age seven, is a four-year foundation stage (Primary 1 to 4) and a two-year orientation stage (Primary 5 to 6). Primary education is compulsory and fees are low at public schools, there are also other fees per student to help cover miscellaneous costs. During the foundation stage, all students are taught English Language as a, a mother tongue as a second language and Mathematics.
Science is introduced from Primary 3 onwards. In addition to these examinable subjects, lessons in Civics and Moral Education, music, and are conducted at various levels. Students are also introduced to, receive pastoral care and career guidance, and are to participate in and Community Involvement Programmes. In the orientation stage, weaker students are banded based on their abilities in the four examinable subjects. Known as 'subject-based banding', they take individual subjects either at the standard or foundation level. Conversely, higher mother tongue is offered for students with higher ability. Somalia In, pupils start primary school when they are 7 and finish it at the age of 11 starting from form 1 to form 4.
Pupils must firstly have attended casual school known as dugsi and learnt the Muslim holy book, and the meaning of the language. Pupils who had not done this are not permitted to start primary school as they will be examined before starting. Pupils' age may sometimes vary seeing that some pupils achieve higher than their predicted grade and may skip the year while some require to repeat the year if they had not achieved the grade required from them. After finishing primary, students move to intermediate school. South Korea. Main article: In Tunisia pre-school education (3–6 years) is optional and provided primarily in three settings: Kindergartens:socio-educational institutions that come under the supervision of Ministry of culture. Kouttabs:religious institutions also cater for children between 3 and 5 years of age.

Their task is to initiate them into learning the Quran as well as reading, writing, and arithmetic. They are under the supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Preparatory year: It is also an integral part of basic education but it is not compulsory. It is supervised by the Ministry of Education and is provided in public, private and quasi-public primary schools 9 years of basic education are compulsory. Kindergarten (optional): 5–6 years. 1st grade: 6–7 years.
2nd grade: 7–8 years. 3rd grade: 8–9 years.
4th grade: 9–10 years. 5th grade: 10–11 years. 6th grade: 11–12 years. 7th grade: 12–13 years. 8th grade: 13–14 years. 9th grade: 14–15 years Turkey. See also: were publicly funded schools which provided a basic standard of education for children aged from six to 14 between 1870 and 1944.
These were set up to enable children to receive manual training and elementary instruction and provided a restricted curriculum with the emphasis on, and. The schools operated on a 'monitorial' system, whereby one teacher supervised a large class with the assistance of a team of monitors, who were quite often older pupils. Elementary school teachers were paid by results. Their pupils were expected to achieve precise standards in reading, writing and arithmetic such as reading a short paragraph in a newspaper, writing from dictation, and working out sums and fractions. Before 1944 around 80 per cent of the school population attended elementary schools through to the age of 14. The remainder transferred either to secondary school or junior technical school at age 11.
The school system was changed with the introduction of the. Education was restructured into three progressive stages which were known as primary education, and. In the UK, schools providing primary education are now known as. They generally cater for children aged from four to eleven ( to or in Northern Ireland and Scotland P1 to P7). Primary schools are often subdivided into for children from four to seven and for ages seven to 11. In the (diminishing) minority of areas where there is a 'three-tier' system, children go to or 'first school' until about 9, then until about 13, then; in these places, the term 'primary school' is not usually used.
In the UK schools providing primary education in the sector are known as primary schools. They generally cater for children aged from four to eleven ( to; in Northern Ireland and Scotland Primary One to Primary Seven). In areas that adopted a three-tier system, the term primary school is often used as an alternative to, taking in ages up to 9 or 10 years old, although for education planning purposes, the term 'primary education' in these areas will still cover the age groups as in a two-tier system. In the private sector, fee-paying schools which provide primary education are known as, and they often cater for children up to the age of thirteen. As their name suggests, preparatory schools are designed to prepare pupils for entrance examinations for fee-paying. England.
Main article: Children start school either in the year or the term in which they reach five depending upon the policy of the. All state schools are obligated to follow a centralized. The primary school years are split into:., age 1 to 4., age 4 to 5., age 5 to 6., age 6 to 7., age 7 to 8., age 8 to 9., age 9 to 10 ( )., age 10 to 11 At the end of Year 6 all children in state primary schools are required to take in reading and also called SATS.
They then change schools to go to secondary school., age 11 to 12., age 12 to 13., age 13 to 14., age 14 to 15., age 15 to 16 (. (6th form), 16 to 17. (6th form), 17 to 18 Northern Ireland.
Main article: Children start school either in the year or the term in which they reach four. All state schools are obliged to follow a centralised. The primary school years are split into:. Primary education.
Primary school. Primary 1, age 4 to 5. Primary 2, age 5 to 6. Primary 3, age 6 to 7. Primary 4, age 7 to 8.
Primary 5, age 8 to 9. Primary 6, age 9 to 10. Primary 7, age 10 to 11 ( exams to determine secondary school placement.) At the end of Key Stage 2 in P7, all children are offered the voluntary (also called the transfer procedure) examinations, though the parents of thirty percent of children elect not to, and send their kids to secondary schools instead of. All state primary schools are under the jurisdiction of the. Scotland.
Main article: In Scotland children typically spend seven years in a primary school, whose years are named P1 to P7. Children enter P1 at the age of four or five (according to a combination of birth date and parental choice); for example, if your birthday is between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016, then you would generally start Primary 1 in August 2020. Primary Education. Primary 1 (aged 5–6).
Primary 2 (aged 6–7). Primary 3 (aged 7–8).
Primary 4 (aged 8–9). Primary 5 (aged 9–10).
Primary 6 (aged 10–11). Primary 7 (aged 11–12) Secondary Education.
1st year - aged 12 to 13. 2nd year - aged 13 to 14. 3rd year - aged 14 to 15.

4th year - aged 15 to 16. 5th year - aged 16 to 17. 6th year - aged 17 to 18 Wales. Elementary school in Kentucky, 1946 In the United States, authority to regulate education resides constitutionally with the individual states.
The direct authority of the and the federal is essentially limited to regulation and enforcement of federal constitutional rights. Great indirect authority is exercised through federal funding of national programs and block grants; but there is no obligation upon any state to accept these funds, and the U.S. government otherwise may propose but not enforce national goals, objectives and standards, which generally lie beyond its jurisdiction. Nevertheless, education has had a relatively consistent evolution throughout the United States. All states have historically made a distinction between two genres of K-12 education and three genres of K-12 school.
The genres of education are primary and secondary; and the genres of school are elementary school(Primary school have in common term as well), middle or junior high school, and high school (historically, 'senior' high school to distinguish it from the junior school). Primary education (or 'primary school' meaning 'primary education') still tends to focus on basic academic learning and socialization skills, introducing children to the broad range of knowledge, skill and behavioral adjustment they need to succeed in life - and, particularly, in secondary school. Secondary education or secondary school has always focused on preparing adolescents for higher education or/and for careers in industries, trades or professions that do not require an academic degree. Over the past few decades, schools in the USA have been testing various arrangements which break from the one-teacher, one-class model. Multi-age programs, where children in different grades (e.g. Kindergarten through to ) share the same classroom and teachers, is one increasingly popular alternative to traditional elementary instruction.
Another alternative is that children might have a main class and go to another teacher's room for one subject, such as science, while the science teacher's main class will go to the other teacher's room for another subject, such as social studies. This could be called a two-teacher, or a rotation. It is similar to the concept of teams in. Another method is to have the children have one set of classroom teachers in the first half of the year, and a different set of classroom teachers in the second half of the year. Primary School is also known as Elementary school. 43 of the states are now using the Common Core Standards which claim to better prepare students for college and career. Elementary School.

First grade (6–7 years). Second grade (7–8 years). Third grade (8–9 years).
Fourth grade (9–10 years). Fifth grade (10–11 years) Vietnam Children normally start primary education at the age of six. Education at this level lasts for 5 years and is compulsory for all children. The country's is over 90%.
According to the Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey 2006 of Vietnam’s General Statistics Office, 96% of six to 11-year-old children enrolled in primary school. However, there was still a significant disparity in the primary education completion rate among different ethnicity. While primary completion rate for Kinh students was 86%, the rate for ethnic minority children was only 61%. In school year 2009-2010, Vietnam had 15,172 primary schools and 611 combined primary and lower secondary schools.
The total enrollment was 7.02 million pupils, of whom 46% were girls. The renovated primary education curriculum in Vietnam is divided into two phases as follows:. Phase 1 includes Grades 1, 2 and 3 with 6 subjects: Vietnamese Language, Mathematics, Morality, Nature and Society, Arts and Physical Education. Phase 2 includes Grades 4 and 5 with 9 subjects: Vietnamese Language, Mathematics, Morality, Science, History, Geography, Basic Techniques, Music, Arts and Physical Education. See also. References.
Key Features The English File concept remains the same in this edition- fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking by using the right blend of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. A 12-File structure, with every lesson improved, enhances the flow of the unit. Captivate students’ attention with updated, contemporary texts and listenings.
Real-world 'Practical English' and documentary videos. Lots of extra opportunities for students to develop listening skills and a more communicative focus on pronunciation with creative oral drills and audio in the Workbook as well as an interactive Sounds Chart. Pocket Book: the 'take anywhere' reference book with extra specific course material to help speakers of Spanish with typical problems in English. Digital resources.