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Many people don't seem to know much about King/OF Thor and as I am a huge fan of the character it is my duty and pleasure to make this respect thread. I hope you enjoy it:D KING THOR/OF THOR 'The die is cast. If its death ye seek. Let death be thine.
Behold the power of the Odinforce unleashed. A power dwarfing all others! Let it end thy miserable existence fore'er!' - Our Lord Thor After the death of Odin at the hands of the eternal enemy Surtur Thor was bequeathed the throne of Asgard and with it the Odinforce.
Thor's love of midgard caused much trouble for him as it interfered with his duty to protect and rule asgard so Thor came up with the 'excellent' idea to move Asgard to earth. Unlike his father who had allowed humans to live their own lives governed by free will Thor began to meddle in mortal affairs, dethroning barbarous governments, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, ect; of course this did not sit well with the powers that be on earth or in heaven. The UN launched a nuclear attack on asgard to no avail and Thor was kicked out of the council of godheads. As the days went by Thor's worshippers grew on earth and the leaders of the world became terrified so at the behest of Zarkko they launched an undercover attack on asgard, planting bombs that blew up the city eternal and sent it crashing into new York below, killing millions. On that day Thor saw the wickedness of man, on that day the reigning would begin and none was able to stand against it.
THE ODINFORCE/ODINPOWER/ODINSOURCE What is the Odinforce? Its true origins are vague and mysterious, some legends say it is the life forces of vili and ve added unto Odin, some say it is the power of yggdrasil itself and some say it is a mixture of both, but whatever its origin may be it is a power beyond comprehension. To understand the true power of Thor we must realise what the odinforce is and who better to explain than the personification of the Odinforce itself: Here Thor is taken into the dimension of the Odinforce where the OF in the form of Odin explains to Thor what it is. The OF is not just a form of energy (though it does boost its wielders in every way) the OF is the power to do ANYTHING, literally anything you want on a certain scale (galaxy to multi-galaxy in thor's case). With the OF your word is law, your every whim binds reality to your will, you are the end all and the be all over your sphere of influence.
The OF is basically divine reality warping, the only limits to what it can do are the scale on which it is used and the limits the user places on himself willfully or subconsciously. Now then on to the feats! DURABILITY King Thor is insanely durable, even for skyfather level beings. Thor tanks a beatdown by an amped perikkus, the god of power 2. Thor tanks the attacks of the gardner, a mighty cosmic being (CONTEXT: At this time thor was also subconsciously restraining the odinforce, so he wasn't at his best) 3.
Thor tanks attacks from the destroyer 4. Thor withstands the full force of the destroyers disintegration beam. (CONTEXT: while powered by the soul of a mortal this beam was shown capable of oneshotting base Thor, so this feat is even more impressive as this feat was accomplished while the destroyer was empowered by balder) 5. Thor tanks the shockwave of his and Bor's attacks connecting. (CONTEXT: the shockwave was so powerful it would have oneshot killed normal thor!) 6.
Thor withstands a brutal attack from bor that breaks one of his ribs. Thor withstands Bor's destructive beams channeled into Thor's eyes.
Thor tanks the full divine might of bor unleashed, thor says he has never felt such force before. Those feats are very impressive right? Well their nothing compared to what Thor showed at his peak during the reigning: CONTEXT: In the above scan Thor outright tanks a prolonged attack from the destroyer empowered by Desak, why is this so impressive you ask? Desak is powered by the spirit of the jewel/Designate who has been said to be nearly as powerful as Odin, but wait theres more! Every time he kills a god their soul is absorbed by the jewel and amplifies Desak and desak has murdered scores of pantheons. This means that Destroyer armour Desak is at least as powerful as Odin in the destroyer armour powered by the souls of all asgard and that is even lowballing! Desak has the souls of many pantheons absorbed inside of him!
For Thor to outright tank and power through the attack of Destroyer/Desak would require durability magnitudes above galaxy level. DESTRUCTIVE POWER It shouldn't surprise anybody that KT/OF Thor hits hard.
Thor stomps perrikus amped by the designate. (we don't know exactly how much he was amped, but perrikus was at least a herald level being) 2. Thor wounds Surtur (surtur may not have been as powerful in this instance as usual) 3,4,5. Thor fights the inbetweener and knocks him around. Thor kills both Hulk and thing at the same time. (CONTEXT: Thor was depowered considerably at this time.
To what degree he was depowered is a point of contention, some think he was fully deprived of the OF while some think he still had a bit of an amp.) 7,8. Thor unleashes the odinforce on desak. Says its a power dwarfing all others and it is as strong as the power of fires of all hells combined. Thor equals Bor in striking power. Thor melts wolverine to slag including his adamantium skeleton and claws!
Thor blows a hole in caps shield! Thor accidentally destroys a planet just by touching it. (CONTEXT: There is some debate over this little known feat. I personally believe this is a legit feat of power accomplished by thor while in the OF dimension as the designate has a dimension just like it, however some believe it simply to be a mental journey.) 13.
Thor kills Bor. 14-22: thor imbued with the OF by odin takes on surtur and equals him in every way. 23,24,25: Thor destroys the destroyer. Great feats right? I agree, but they pale in comparison to the power of KT at his peak during the reigning: CONTEXT: Thor here channels the full might of the Odinpower into Mjolnir and oneshots the Desak/Destroyer.
As I explained higher up in this thread, the destroyer was empowered by Desak who in turn is powered by the designate (who is nigh as powerful as odin by herself) and the souls of countless slain pantheons. This means KT oneshot a being on par with Odin wearing the destroyer armour powered by the souls of asgard and that is a low end estimate! Also in case anybody forgot, it took the full 4th host to destroy the destroyer empowered by odin. MISCELANIOUS HAX ABILITIES Thanks to the OF Thor can accomplish nigh anything he sets his mind to. Thor telekinetically tears Asgard from the ground and causes it to float in the air.
Thor telekinetically restrains the Gardner and fixes the moon on a molecular level. Thor resurrects a dead girl. (CONTEXT: Thor was still inexperienced with the OF so he accidentally didn't bring back her soul. This is not indicative of his power at his peak) 5. Thor resurrects a bunch of Asgardians.
Thor resurrects himself. Thor by sheer force of will transports Asgard from its universe to earth 616. Thor creates a feast from nothing. Thor creates a world with a subconscious thought. (CONTEXT: Some say this was just a mental journey but there is more evidence to it being real) 11. Thor recreates Asgard from nothingness.
Thor shows the ability to wipe beings from existence. (CONTEXT: Unfortunately the ability did not work when used on desak because of his immunity to all god power, and thor never used the ability again because he never fought another powerful foe during the reigning) 13,14: while on asgard thor BFR's the mangog off earth and into another dimension. As you probably expected by now, at the peak of his power King Thor can do some crazy stuff, like this!: CONTEXT: KT goes back in time to undo the damage he has done. He goes back to the moment when OF Thor is about to kill olsen and go crazy and the KT forcefully manipulates their souls and melds them together against their will.
Why is this impressive? KT just forcefully manipulated the soul of a skyfather who dwarfs people like hela even in her own realm in power! HOW POWERFUL IS PEAK OF/KING THOR? By looking at his feats it is obvious that KT surpasses Odin in destructive power and durability as King thor showed destructive power and durability rivaling the combined might of the entire celestial 4th host which would put him FAR above galaxy level. In hax abilities however KT simply is not on Odin's level and lacks the experience.
In the end OdinKT but only because of Odin's immense reality warping power, in a fight using only energy projection and brawling KT would mop the floor with his dear old dad. Also Perikkus is pretty weak. He got stomped by weakened Odin.
I don't see that feat any impressive. Also Hulk/Thing scan is lacking context and it is not legit unless you think normal hammerless Thor who is weakened can kill Thing and The Hulk even tho he lost one eye and arm. Perrikus at this time was amped by the designate to an unknown degree, but your right its not super impressive. I posted the context of the hulk/thing scan.
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I made sure to post the context of each feat people found questionable. Perrikus at this time was amped by the designate to an unknown degree, but your right its not super impressive. Also we don't know how much he was amped. I posted the context of the hulk/thing scan. I made sure to post the context of each feat people found questionable. I see but the context you posted shows the context is lacking. We don't know how much power he lost and obviously he wasn't fully depowered.
If he was it would be extreme PIS. But if he is not the feat is not impressive because killing top tier powerhouse and low level powerhouse is not impressive for someone like King Thor. : I see but the context you posted shows the context is lacking. We don't know how much power he lost and obviously he wasn't fully depowered.
If he was it would be extreme PIS. But if he is not the feat is not impressive because killing top tier powerhouse and low level powerhouse is not impressive for someone like King Thor. Being able to kill hulk proves he can hit as hard as zeus even while depowered, as zeus is the only person (to my knowledge) to hit hulk so hard it overwhelmed his healing factor. Your right we cant really tell how depowered he was, but its still an epic feat.
: Where did you hear that? From Screw Attack? Zeus never OVERWHELMED his healing factor. He BLOCKED/NEGATED it, like he does not have it. Everything else you said is something I can agree with. While it is lacking pure evidence, I'm fine seeing it that way. That's just what I got when I read the zeus vs hulk fight.
I never saw zeus cast a healing factor negation spell or anything, he just hit him really hard from what I saw. Refusing to acknowledge things like that takes away from a respect thread, it does not add to it. Killing Hulk with a TREESTUMP? And yes, Zeus did indeed negate Hulk's healing factor on top of Hulk not fighting back.
(OF Thor is badass enough without having to post out of context stuff. : I saw the scan, it actually said 7%. And that proves nothing, it simply means zeus overpowered his healing factor with his striking power.
There is literally 0 evidence that zeus magically drained hulk's HF, in fact Hephaestus says hulk was 'struck by zeus', not drained! Hehe, like i said, if you really want to devalue your own respect thread by reaching, no sweat off my back. Hulk's healing factor has NEVER been overwhelmed so you're literally making stuff up and trying to fit it into your own argument. (yes, 7%, not 3, my bad) Odin force Thor is a bad mother f/$%er and has plenty of legitimate awesome feats without you having to result to out of context stuff. : so im reaching by saying Zeus hit him real hard and overwhelmed his healing factor (which Hephaestus confirms), but your not reaching by claiming zeus mystically drained hulk's healing factor even though THIS IS NEVER SHOWN OR HINTED AT? I explicitly stated there was context behind the feat and people can judge it for themselves. OF Thor killed hulk, you can make up some convoluted excuse for it if you want.
You're literally making up a new weakness for Hulk, that he can be hit hard enough for his healing factor to stop working, not just during combat, but for a long time afterwards. This has never happened before or since, so yes, you're reaching by inventing a new weakness for Hulk.
Has Hulk been hit too often and too hard for his healing factor to save him? Has he been hit so hard and often that his healing factor stopped working altogether? And guess what, this becomes a chain reaction. If you're taking creative freedom with this instance, one cannot help but wonder what other instances you're twisting to suit your logic. That's what credibility is.
: and your making up a story that never happened. My view is supported by facts and what Hephaestus said, yours is supported by nothing.
Can you just move on? I said there was context around the feat, leave it at that. Hephaestus said Hulk's healing factor had been reduced by Zeus. To the point where it only marginally kept him alive. It's your theory that Hulk being hit hard takes away his healing factor that falls into the category of you inventing a new weakness since that has never happened before or since AND is not mentioned to have happened in this case. : Hephaestus said 'you have been struck by zeus', he never said zeus magically lowered his healing factor, that's a hulk fanboy fantasy. Fact is OF Thor killed hulk, end of discussion.
If 'end of discussion' means 'I am going to invent a new weakness for Hulk because i need that to fit into my argument', then yes, i have already told you, go nuts. I don't understand why you think i would seem to mind OF Thor Killing a Savage Hulk, i think ti is blatantly obvious that OF Thor is stronger than savage Hulk. But you inventing a new weakness for Hulk because you want it to be so, well, i can't stop you from doing it, i can only point out that you're doing your own respect thread a disservice by doing so, and as long as you insist on the matter, i have no problem debating it, since the matter is as follows: You're asking me to take your word that Hulk has a new weakness in this one instance, because you say so but EVERYTHING else points to the opposite and this weakness has never appeared in any Hulk comic before or since.
: Hephaestus said 'you have been struck by zeus', he never said zeus magically lowered his healing factor, that's a hulk fanboy fantasy. Fact is OF Thor killed hulk, end of discussion. If 'end of discussion' means 'I am going to invent a new weakness for Hulk because i need that to fit into my argument', then yes, i have already told you, go nuts. I don't understand why you think i would seem to mind OF Thor Killing a Savage Hulk, i think ti is blatantly obvious that OF Thor is stronger than savage Hulk.
But you inventing a new weakness for Hulk because you want it to be so, well, i can't stop you from doing it, i can only point out that you're doing your own respect thread a disservice by doing so, and as long as you insist on the matter, i have no problem debating it, since the matter is as follows: You're asking me to take your word that Hulk has a new weakness in this one instance, because you say so but EVERYTHING else points to the opposite and this weakness has never appeared in any Hulk comic before or since. You mean nothing right? So what do you think thor did when fighting hulk?
HE HIT HIM HARD! That's what thor does. : Hephaestus said 'you have been struck by zeus', he never said zeus magically lowered his healing factor, that's a hulk fanboy fantasy. Fact is OF Thor killed hulk, end of discussion. If 'end of discussion' means 'I am going to invent a new weakness for Hulk because i need that to fit into my argument', then yes, i have already told you, go nuts. I don't understand why you think i would seem to mind OF Thor Killing a Savage Hulk, i think ti is blatantly obvious that OF Thor is stronger than savage Hulk.
But you inventing a new weakness for Hulk because you want it to be so, well, i can't stop you from doing it, i can only point out that you're doing your own respect thread a disservice by doing so, and as long as you insist on the matter, i have no problem debating it, since the matter is as follows: You're asking me to take your word that Hulk has a new weakness in this one instance, because you say so but EVERYTHING else points to the opposite and this weakness has never appeared in any Hulk comic before or since. You mean nothing right?
So what do you think thor did when fighting hulk? HE HIT HIM HARD!
That's what thor does. Considering Hulk has regenerated from being completely eaten, from having all his flesh and insides melted away, from having his head chopped off, from having a Zom-sized fist rammed through his chest in the same fashion as that tree stump multiple times (that was WWH though, not Savage) and countless other healing feats.
You'll forgive me if i take the incident with a grain of salt. HOWEVER, let's say Thor did kill him in this fashion without it being WiS for the sake of argument, Hulk being DEAD would no doubt see his healing factor come to a stop, i agree.
However, Hulk just getting the shit beaten out of him has never taken away his healing factor. You're arguing the healing factor of a dead guy vs live one?
-IF- so, you're really running low on arguments. : thor would have to overpower hulk's healing factor to kill him otherwise hulk would just heal, common sense. Thor beat the crap out of hulk, hulk cant heal from it thus hulk dies. Why did this suddenly shift to Reigning Thor vs Hulk? I've already agreed i don't see a problem with OF Thor killing a Savage Hulk. He is much stronger.
I do contest the way it happened, but it happened off panel so we don't really get to see it. My argument wasn't that OF Thor killed Hulk, it was your interpretation of the Zeus comparison and feat. But since you've stopped arguing that bit, i assume you're making up a new argument, which i don't really have an interest in since i don't agree with its validity even if what we saw on panel suggests it was a bit of a cop-out. But obviously plenty of characters have overpowered Hulk's healing factor to KO Hulk. You're confusing overpowering it to take Hulk down with taking it away altogether. : But obviously plenty of characters have overpowered Hulk's healing factor to KO Hulk. You're confusing overpowering it to take Hulk down with taking it away altogether.
I never said that. I said Zeus and Thor beat down hulk so bad they overpowered his HF. Don't put words in my mouth. You said Zeus did NOT take away his healing factor but instead 'overwhelmed' it. These feats are NOTHING alike.
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In the Reigning, Thor KILLS Hulk. Zeus never does.
Instead he curses him by taking away his healing factor so that he can only barely cling to life. You argued Zeus overwhelmed his healing factor when it is clearly stated that Hulk's healing factor is at 7% after being rescued. This is backed up by Heph's statement of being 'touched' by Zeus and every shred of evidence, logic and comic book history. Hulk's healing factor has never stopped working after a simple beating.
If he was KILLED, it's a completely different thing altogether. How many people have 'overwhelmed' Wolverine's or Deadpool's healing factors without causing them to stop working afterwards altogether (short of plot), how many times with Hulk? These feats are completely different by their very nature. : actually Hephaestus said STRUCK, not touched. Also Zeus never took hulk's healing factor away, he simply beat him so bad it got overwhelmed. I encourage you, show me the scan of Zeus magically stealing Hulks HF. If he didn't take it away, explain Hulk almost completely lacking it afterwards, by all means.
There you go again, inventing a new weakness for Hulk. This has never happened before or after and your far fetched interpretation is what you expect us to accept over half a century of Hulk comics? Would a skyfather be able to beat up Hulk so badly that he'd bring him to the brink of death? Has Hulk been brought to the brink of death before?

Has Hulk's healing factor ever stopped working for long periods after being brought to the brink of death? No, except in this one case where everything but YOUR word suggests what you keep refusing. Logic + half a century of comics + statements your word. But since i got to head back to work and won't be able to respond for the next 12 hours or so, i'll give more knowledgable Hulk experts the opportunity to chip in if they wish. I can think of a few other feats I didn't see listed in the op. Might add more if I think of any.
Durability feats: Thor standing in the Destroyer's disintegration beam taking no damage while Asgardians all around him(including Loki) are being reduced to skeletons. That was at the end of the Reigning story. Power feats: Denting Cap's shield with a blow and then easily fixing it afterward when he was fighting the Thorbuster armor. Hax feats: contained the nuclear assault on Asgard by the UN in a bubble before bfring it to another place or dimension. Might be good to also extend this to feats of OKT with the OF. : thanks for getting this back on topic:D Durability feats: Thor standing in the Destroyer's disintegration beam taking no damage while Asgardians all around him(including Loki) are being reduced to skeletons.
That was at the end of the Reigning story. That's actually on the list already, I just picked a different picture. Power feats: Denting Cap's shield with a blow and then easily fixing it afterward when he was fighting the Thorbuster armor. Unfortunately I don't have that comic as it was in iron man.